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How To Start Your Own Bookkeeping Biz

Work Desk

Is the 9-5 grind exhausting you?

Do you want more flexibility with your time?


Are you tired of working your butt off so someone else can reap the rewards?

Do you want to be your own boss?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, read on.....

Hi, I’m Jody. I’m the owner of J Fletcher Bookkeeping. I’ve been extremely blessed with the opportunity to start 2 Bookkeeping Businesses. The first time was about 17 years ago when my kids were little. For me, it was all about spending time with my kids. I hated the thought of having a stranger raise them while I went to work every day. By the time I dropped them off and picked them up it was easily 10 hours and then it was time to feed them and put them to bed. So, I started my bookkeeping business, but let me tell you, it wasn’t easy in the beginning. I had no idea what I was doing or how to get clients, I just knew I had to do something to make money AND have time with my kids.

You know that saying “be careful what you wish for”? Well, that happened to me….After about 4 years in business I took on a huge client and got so busy I had no time for my family. I said to my husband, “This is nuts. I can’t do this anymore.” Long story short, I sold the first business and went to work full time for my “big” client. The kids were in school by then and I was able to work around their bus schedule so it was ok.

I did that for eight years and then I decided it was time to work for myself again. This time it was for ME. My kids are grown now. Nobody’s expecting freshly baked cookies when they come home from school….LOL.

I love having FREEDOM and flexibility with my time and I LOVE being my OWN boss! Not to mention, the financial rewards.

If you can relate to any of this, or if you’ve been wanting to start your own business, but just don’t know how to do it, let’s talk.

To find out more or if you have questions, click the “contact us” button to set up a no obligation consultation.

The course includes “how to” videos using both Sage 50 and QuickBooks Online, printable PDF of most modules, videos of my story, and an interview with, the owner of my first business. She talks about what it was like for her in the beginning and how she’s doing now.

When I created the course I chose the most common things I deal with on a regular basis with my clients. These are the types of things you’ll encounter when doing someone’s books whether it be daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.

The modules included in the course:

  • Introduction

  • How To Get Clients

  • So, You’ve Got Your First Client, Now What?

  • Let’s Talk Debits & Credits

  • Creating Professional Looking Invoices

  • Adding & Editing Accounts

  • Setting Up Services/Inventory & Creating Customer Invoices

  • Bank Transfers and Credit Card Payments

  • How To Calculate HST

  • Expenses Paid From Personal Accounts or Cash

  • Vendors – Invoices, Expenses & Set Up

  • Billable Expenses In QBO

  • Vendor Credits & Credit Cards

  • Automating Bank Fees on QBO

  • Bank Feeds & Matching on Sage 50

  • Setting Up Rules in QBO

  • Bank Account & Credit Card Reconciliations

  • Allocating Expenses & Income to Projects

  • Running Reports

  • Receipt Forwarding on QBO

  • Interview With Diane Flynn

  • The Importance of A Good Work Station


I wish 17 years ago this course would’ve been available for me. It sure would’ve saved me a lot of valuable time and caused much less stress in my life.

Want to get started?

If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!

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